I wrote a 5-min short exploring the theme of 'Belonging', inspired by my recent initiation into the dog-walking world (with a friend's wonderful dachshund), where I encountered so many fascinating characters on my morning walks. Now I'm tempted by a furry friend of my own! FOLLOW MY LEAD FADE IN INT BEDSIT – DAY Light barely filters through the tobacco-stained curtains of a litter-strewn bedsit. Slumped in a broken-in settee SNORING is RICH, 35, a socially awkward gamer, a PS2 controller rests on his protruding belly. EXT BEDSIT – FRONT DOORSTEP – CONTINUOUS A persistent KNOCKING starts to stir Rich from his junk food induced coma. LUCY, a multi-tasking yummy mummy, SHOUTS through the letterbox; piles of junk mail thud to the floor as she releases the flap. EXT BEDSIT – FRONT DOORSTEP – CONTINUOUS Staggering to the door in a daze, Rich opens it just enough to meet his sister’s concerned gaze. RICH (rubbing drool from his mouth) Hey. LUCY Hey...
Freelance writer, editor, proofreader interested in travel, food, culture and sustainability. All content and photography copyright Joanna Peios