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Showing posts from April, 2016

Follow my lead

I wrote a 5-min short exploring the theme of 'Belonging', inspired by my recent initiation into the dog-walking world (with a friend's wonderful dachshund), where I encountered so many fascinating characters on my morning walks. Now I'm tempted by a furry friend of my own! FOLLOW MY LEAD FADE IN INT BEDSIT – DAY Light barely filters through the tobacco-stained curtains of a litter-strewn bedsit. Slumped in a broken-in settee SNORING is RICH, 35, a socially awkward gamer, a PS2 controller rests on his protruding belly. EXT BEDSIT – FRONT DOORSTEP – CONTINUOUS A persistent KNOCKING starts to stir Rich from his junk food induced coma. LUCY, a multi-tasking yummy mummy, SHOUTS through the letterbox; piles of junk mail thud to the floor as she releases the flap. EXT BEDSIT – FRONT DOORSTEP – CONTINUOUS Staggering to the door in a daze, Rich opens it just enough to meet his sister’s concerned gaze. RICH (rubbing drool from his mouth) Hey. LUCY Hey...